Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 28 May 2003

Karen's been after me to post the award images, so even though the scanner makes the gold look like gooseturd, here you go. Click on a small page to be taken to a version scanned at 150dpi. (Actual page size: about 6¾" by 9½")

Click pages to enlarge Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

And here's a shot of the third page taken with a digital videocamera, which, though it's smaller and fuzzier, makes the gold look a little more like gold.

I tell you, though, if you're a perfectionist, don't ever look at your work scanned at 600dpi. Flaws invisible to the naked eye suddenly zoom to monstrous proportions.

(And, yes, page four is crooked, but since it's at the shop being professionally framed, it doesn't look like I'll ever have the chance to re-scan it. Oh well.)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Thank you!
That is so very, very, very pretty that I sound downright Gollumy when I look at it up close ("shiny, shiny, pretty colors, precious pretty colors, pret-ty, pret-ty preciousssssssssssss....").