Singing Potatoes
Monday, 3 May 2004
Open for "business"
Smile Time!

After adding a couple of new administrative features and satisfying myself about its general stability, Godfrey's Bookshelf is now publicly available.

It contains PDFs of 27 28 29 books on various subjects, printed between 1484 and 1881; more books to be added soon. Adobe Acrobat Reader v5 or better (or anything which reads PDF files, such as GhostScript) is required.

If you're interested in this sort of thing, please give it a try, let me know if you find a way to break it, and email me if you have any suggestions for improvement. Thanks!

Edit: Added Tales, and quicke anweres, a book of wit and humor. A few of the jokes contained therein can be found here.

Edit 2: Added The English Dictionarie, with such pearls of knowledge as "Excrement, Any thing which naturally grows in the body, which may be taken away without any harm thereunto."

Posted by godfrey (link)