Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 22 July 2003
Highway Robbery

I had to bring my car in to the dealership for its 5000-mile checkup. When I dropped off the car, I asked them to give me an estimate on getting rid of a 1½" long scratch in the paint of the rear driver's side door.

Their estimate: $587.98. Not including incidental damage to glass or flush-mounted moulding, which for some reason I would have to pay to replace if they broke it while fixing the scratch. Incomprehensibly, the estimate includes the cost of dismantling the entire left side of the car and replacing all of the moulding on the left side (not just the moulding on the door to be fixed), plus refinishing the fuel door and replacing the rear lamps, which as far as I know aren't in any way connected to the door.

And car dealers wonder why they have a reputation for dishonesty.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Maybe I can fix the scratch with some nail polish...