Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 1 September 2004
Oooo... shiny!

Okay, I'll admit, the new iMac is pretty darn spiffy. I wonder how long it'll take before I can get a PC in that form.

Posted by godfrey (link)
The entire computer, including a G5-based logic board, slot-loading optical drive, hard disk, speakers, and even the power supply — dwells inside the enchanting display

Like my Mac Classic, sort of. Ha. What if the puter CRASHES while your entire life is on it? And you know what, Max the Pirate Cat is a pretty heavy slugger and loves to knock things over. I'll bet he could whomp that thing on the floor.
What if the puter CRASHES while your entire life is on it?

Frequent backups?

Mac OS X doesn't crash. Yes, I'm serious. Hard drives are a different animal, of course. But I bet within two weeks of those arriving in stores there'll be someone taking it apart and posting the results on so people can upgrade the components.
I was assuming she meant a literally physical crash, like knocked down onto the floor by a cat.