Singing Potatoes
Monday, 3 February 2003
Letter to the Editors
To the Editors and News Director at the Hartford Courant,

I was appalled to learn this morning of the Courant's cancellation of the columns written by Tom Condon and Denis Horgan.

Though I had not read the Courant since I moved from Connecticut nearly eleven years ago, their names were still well familiar to me. I read their final columns online, as well as a number of their more recent columns, and was struck once again (as I had been when I moved to Florida) at the staggering difference in quality between their writing and that of the columnists in the paper now local to me.

I had forgotten during the intervening years, it seems, how intelligently and eloquently newspaper columnists could express themselves. In a world where the print media is becoming increasingly homogenized, and the common denominator drops ever lower, it is no surprise that their columns are being dropped.

It is no surprise, but it is unquestionably a shame.

Jeff Lee
Tampa, FL
Formerly of Newington, CT.
Posted by godfrey (link)
My grandfather's cousin was a columnist for the Atlanta Constitution. I wonder if they would have kept her around in this day and age.

I hope that I did that link right, btw.
Oh crap, I'm turning into one of those cranky old men who write letters to the editor.

"Dear Mr.President, there are too many states now-a-days, please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot."