Singing Potatoes
Monday, 10 September 2001
Computers and Popcorn

The new computer parts are finally working. The whole problem stemmed from the fact that they gave me the wrong brand of memory. I find it astonishing that such a thing would prevent the computer from even turning on, and even more astonishing that the manual's "Troubleshooting" section didn't even mention that possibility.

Ah, well. It works, it's fast, it seems to be stable. I've got a decent amount of memory, but I think I may want to fill up the slots. Even at 512MB, I'm still swapping memory out to disk when rendering certain 3D images I'm working on. I suppose there's definitely a price to be paid for heavily detailed models.

The Web site I'm working on for some friends is coming along nicely. I spent yesterday writing a Flash game, tweaked it a bit this evening, and put it up to be playtested. It's an excruciatingly silly game, but I had a lot of fun making it. It prompted my wife to say, "If only you would use your powers for good instead of evil!"

I am eating some very tasty microwave popcorn right now. It's corn-flavored popcorn, which I'm fairly surprised that it took this long for some marketing genius to come up with the idea. The truly sad part is that the corn flavor is artificial, since the variety of corn used for popcorn has had its natural flavor bred out of it.

Posted by godfrey (link)