Singing Potatoes
Friday, 6 August 2004
Catastrophe Averted
Smile Time!

Thanks to the help of R-Studio, I was able to recover all but 1,054 files from the corrupted drive. That sounds like a lot of unrecovered files, but when you consider that it did manage to salvage 207,709 others, it's not so bad. And it doesn't look like any of the unrecoverable files were my personal data — mainly operating system files which I wouldn't need to restore anyway, having already installed XP onto the new drive.

Thank goodness for the redundant information in NTFS; even though the master directory table was damaged, R-Studio managed to locate the orphaned directories. While the recovered directory names are all in the format "$$Folder00000", the files inside them are intact.

Now I have to sift through 60 GB of files to figure out what's data I need to save, and what I can get rid of. But considering the alternative, it doesn't seem like such an onerous chore.

Posted by godfrey (link)
See, this is why you're the guy we call when this crap happens to us.
Dude - I need you help - the same thing happened to me!