Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 14 September 2005
Morning chuckle

On my drive in to work, there are three businesses which use their roadside signboards for pithy sayings (e.g. "OF ALL THE THINGS I'VE LOST I MISS MY MIND THE MOST" or "SAY HELLO TO YOUR WIFE AND MY KIDS"). This morning's offering at one of them actually made me laugh out loud:


Gotta love a store with an appreciation for the classics.

Posted by godfrey (link)
There's a storefront in downtown Tampa (next to Eddie & Sam's Pizza) that is boarded up, but has We Are Open spray painted on it. I didn't even have to say anything when we passed it, Lisa just said "I'll bet you want to paint 'I Assure You' on that every time you see it."
Missing the reference... feelin' stupid.
Squelch, for God's sake, go rent 'Clerks'. My whole blog title/icon/stuff must make no sense to you either.
I saw Clerks in the theater, so it's been a while... and am I allowed to be blasphemous, and offer the opinion that it was, well, awful?
You may offer that opinion, but I suspect that these guys would disagree with you.

See now, talking that kind of hate, this'll happen:

"And maybe one night, me and Lunchbox'll be macking some bitch, and she'll be like "Oooo! I want to suck youse guys dicks off. What's your names?" And I'll be like, "Jay and Silent Bob; recognize." And she'll be like, "Oh--I read on the Internet that youse guys were little fucking jerkoffs." And then she goes and sucks two other guys's dicks off instead! Well fuck that! We gotta put a stop to these hateful sonsa-bitches before they ruin our good names!"

I forgot all about "those guys" and I just fell on the floor laughing remembering yous guys doing that!