Singing Potatoes
Monday, 28 July 2003

Finally saw Pirates of the Caribbean. There be spoilers here, so avast if ye haven't seen it yet.

Pretty entertaining throughout, though the ending sucked. "Oh, you don't want to marry me? Well, good show, take care of her, Blacksmith." "This is the path you've chosen? Married to a blacksmith? Oh well, pip pip, cheerio and Arthur Treacher." Lame.

The CG was quite good (though it bugged me that clothes that should have been whole, such as Jack's or the dresses, turned to tatters in the moonlight). Ray Harryhausen would have approved. Once again, though, Hollywood misinterpreted the phrase "hang by the neck until dead" to mean 1800s American West style trapdoor gallows, and apparently English Navy ships were crewed entirely by officers and Redcoats. And two ships firing broadsides that close to each other would have taken a hell of a lot more damage.

The biggest problem was when they loaded chain-shot into a smoking cannon. This would absolutely never happen! After the cannon's fired, it's searched, then sponged down (which would not only clear out any smoke, but extinguish any burning embers that remained), and then the powder would be loaded in, then wadding, and then the shot goes in last (followed, in some circumstances, by more wadding). Anyone who puts powder into a smoking cannon is just asking to have a hand blown off. Morons.

But still, not bad for a movie based on an amusement park ride.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Cursed skelton pirates don't care about blowing their hands off.
Since they were about to have the curse lifted (or so they planned), you'd think they'd at least want to keep all their body parts together...

Sooooooooo much love for Ray Harryhausen. His films lit up my childhood.