Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 25 February 2003
In Hunc Intuens.

With all the computer geeks in the SCA, I'm surprised that there aren't more obvious representatives in the NationStates game. There are only two nations in An Tir, two in Lochac and two in the Outlands. (And now one in Trimaris.)

I'm pleased to note that my nation is described as an "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy", though undoubtedly that will change as I make decisions on the daily issues. Not quite as thrilled that my choices resulted in "below average" political freedoms, but them's the breaks.

Update: Political freedoms now "good". Take that, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan!

Posted by godfrey (link)
...and then there were two!

Gee, I wonder who runs the Grand Duchy of San Sinister?