Singing Potatoes
Monday, 4 November 2002
Call me cynical...

... but I just don't see how someone could write 100,873 words in under four days. Yet that's the top wordcount on NaNoWriMo (the second-place figure is 51,266). That's an average of 27,500 words per day. Over 1100 words per hour, assuming one can dispense with frivolities like sleep in order to write 24 hours per day. I simply don't see how that could be possible.

Oh, well. It's not a competition against anyone else; it's a challenge set for myself. Can I hit 50,000 words in time? The little red dot inching further and further away from the needle is taunting me, but I still hold out hope. Though I didn't do any writing over the weekend, I planned out the first three chapters in detail, with the overall story arc firmly set in place.

I'm about 4000 words behind where I should be. Alas, the rest of this week will see me meeting other obligations before I'll be free to really put some time into writing.

And there's 174 words that could have been put to use elsewhere...

Posted by godfrey (link)
Maybe they wrote-
"Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah; blah blah blah.
'Blah blah blah blah blah blah,' blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah."
(Kind of sounds like my blog, doesn't it?
Actually; the 100, 000 word person had their total posted by Saturday morning around 8:00 AM . That would give them 3,151 words per hour or around 52.50 per second. Perhaps they used a random word generator and produced something that was not quite Hamlet, but the monkeys seemed to like it.
