Singing Potatoes
Friday, 22 November 2002
Wrong Demographic

I primarily use the Opera Web browser. Being the cheapskate that I am, I use "sponsored" mode, in which I don't have to pay for the program, but a relatively small banner ad appears in the upper-right corner of the user interface. It's easily ignored, unless it flashes madly.

For the past few weeks, I've been noticing more and more German-language ads appearing up there, and sometime this week I noticed that I wasn't getting English advertisements anymore (other than the ones from Opera itself). I barely remember any German from college; just enough to know that the most frequent banner is pitching cellphones from 1.29 (per day, I assume).

This morning, they broke up the monotony with an ad in French.

Posted by godfrey (link)
It's funny that in my office, I'm the Alpha Geek. In our group, not so much. I've gotten used to you using programs I've never heard of, but it really hit home the other night, when Brian looked in distaste at the fact that I used MS Outlook. I feel like an AOL user.
Well, you don't type in all caps, fortunately, so you're not that bad.

But seriously, Outlook is one of the primary vectors for the spread of Internet worms. If you want to make your machine more secure, I strongly recommend Eudora. It gives you the option of rendering HTML emails with Microsoft's display engine (which, being what's used in Outlook, is just as insecure), or Eudora's internal display engine.