Singing Potatoes
Monday, 28 July 2003
Losing it

A Bach piece just came on the hold music piped through my boss' speakerphone. I know I know the title of it. Or at least I used to. Ironically, this came the same day Fark linked to an article claiming that "Psychologists find that being a musician improves memory".

My mind is going, Dave. I can feel it.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Obviously the full title of that article was "Psychologists find that being a musician improves memory" for pieces you know how to play. (Or, I give you the example of my mother, who, in her job as official Music Director for the New-Agey split-off Christian Science church in Santa Fe, absolutely could not remember the lyrics to "Let There Be Peace on Earth," this little granola song she played twice a week for something like fourteen years. But she knows the birthdays of all the composers.)