Singing Potatoes
Friday, 5 August 2005

Noticing the proliferation of wireless networks in our apartment complex, I tightened down the security on my routers the other day. Rather than assigning static IP addresses to all of our computers, I kept the routers serving DHCP but reserved consecutive addresses for each MAC address. I then restricted the DHCP pool to just those addresses.

But I forgot about the VoIP box. Today, Karen discovered that we no longer had a dialtone.

That's twice in one week I've shot myself in the foot in a security-related incident. The first was when I spent two days trying to figure out why Samba wasn't working on my new Linux box — and it turned out that ZoneAlarm on my XP box was rejecting traffic from the Linux box because I hadn't listed its IP address in the "trusted" zone.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Is it okay that I only understand the part where I'm directly involved?