Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 16 August 2005
Boy, fetch me my clue stick!

Yet another day at the office. I see why sysadmins need a recovery group:

luser: My scanner doesn't work. I'm just getting blue lines.
me: Have you run the scanner reset utility?
luser: Yeah, I shut everything down and turned it back on again.
me: No, I mean did you run the program named Reset Scanner?
luser: Huh? No.
me: Okay, let's run it now.
luser: What am I supposed to do with it?
me: It'll give you instructions step by step; just follow those.
(time passes...)
luser: Okay, I ran it. I didn't unplug the scanner or do any of the other things it told me to do; I just hit "OK". Is that all right?

Honestly, when I used to lurk in the scary devil monastery before taking this job, I thought they were exaggerating how stupid their lusers were. Nobody could be that clueless, I thought. Oh, how wrong I was.

And this experience shows to me a fundamental flaw in our political process: a vote from someone that dumb counts exactly as much as a vote from the most brilliant genius alive. Maybe votes should be weighted by IQ score.

Posted by godfrey (link)
When I used to work for a custom system builder back in the days of 486s and Pentium 1s we put labels on the space bar for one of our clients labeled "Any".