Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 7 April 2004
They're ba-a-a-a-ack!

After months of not hearing from the Scientologists, suddenly I've started getting quite a few emails about my Narconon pages. As usual, all the letters come in on Wednesdays (the day before Scientologists are supposed to turn in their "stats" for the week); apparently they only bother to do things one day a week.

Typically, the wording of their emails makes it pretty clear that either their reading comprehension is shockingly poor, or that they were simply told to write emails without actually reading the pages. From what ex-Scientologists have said about the way PR campaigns are run by the cult, I'm guessing the latter.

I wonder what triggered the push? The fact that my site's currently #4 on Google for the term "Narconon"?

Posted by godfrey (link)
Reading comprehension? Why; I think their Net-Nanny program has an entry for Besides, if it wasn’t written by Laf it’s not worth reading anyway.

You going to publish the letters?

I’ve suddenly gotten a rash of searches using the string “Scientology.” Perhaps it’s time to clean up the Internet again, all ten thousand or so parishioners against what; millions?


Unless they've updated it, the clamfilter only has the old address of my site. I deleted the emails; if I respond to them, they'll just count it towards their stats, and either delete them unread or forward them uplines.

heh...had been curious about scientology for a while - in a scientific sort of way - when I started looking at your pages. Oh my!! Freaky in a repugnant way! We have a "church" here - it's right on campus. Go figure...
I happened upon this site by accident. I was a patient/client/student/inmate at Narconon-Southern California this past summer. But I lived to talk about it. It was a horrible experience, but I am clean despite it. Please contact me, they are trying to spread their message.