Singing Potatoes
Monday, 15 September 2003
business proposal

Here's an email I received recently:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have found the information about your company from the Internet - by searching for "potted meat food products" keyword. I kindly ask you to pay attention to the information I have for you.

[boasting about his company's capabilities deleted]

Basing on the information I have found on your web-site, your business is related to seafood production. I am of concern that you are using the printed materials, such as labels in your work. I kindly ask you to provide us the necessary information about the printed materials that you are using, so I could prove that "Veiters" is able to offer you profitable offer and deserves to become your trusted and reliable partner.

[remainder of message deleted]

Perhaps I should follow Jen's example and send a response back yanking his chain. But honestly, how does this page, or anything else on my site, give someone the idea that I'm in the business of seafood production?

Side note: I'm #1 on both Google and Yahoo for potted meat food product, hooray! The same page is #2 for the misspelled term sodium erthorbate, which shows up in my referrer logs with depressing frequency. Hopefully I've disabused a lot of people of the urban myth that sodium erythorbate is ground-up earthworms. Just one more service we provide here at

Side side note: Now, "confectioner's glaze" is another matter altogether; it's a more palatable synonym for shellac, which is made from the secretions of the lac beetle. Some chocolate-coated candies, such as Junior Mints, Raisinettes and Whoppers, are coated with beetle juice to keep them from clumping. Mmmmm!

Posted by godfrey (link)
Mmmmm...lac beetle squeezings...