Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 4 June 2002
Savior of the Universe

Yesterday, browsing old links on Fark, I came across the Flash "video" done by Spümco (of Ren and Stimpy fame) for Tenacious D's song, Fuck Her Gently. Oddly enough, the video linked from Fark is different than the one on Tenacious D's official site — in the former, the succubus is wearing a bra top, rather than going bare-breasted. (Which, given the fact that the lyrics contain the word "fuck" about once every five seconds, and that the entire song is about sex, doesn't make a whole lot of sense; is covering up a pair of cartoon tits really going to make it any less offensive?)

Anyway, I love Flash animations. I especially enjoy taking them apart to see if any easter eggs are hidden inside, and this one didn't disappoint. For example, towards the end of the video, when the two horny putti are hard at work "on the job", the animators had a little fun putting in an anatomical detail that was supposed to remain obscured behind the salacious cherubim.

Pussy shot

Click the image above to see what was underneath the putti (image will open in a new window).

The devil melting at the end is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in a Flash animation. No, I think it's the coolest thing I've seen in a Flash animation. On a tangent, I might have to add TNN to my cable channels next year, if only just to see the new episodes of Ren and Stimpy produced with John Kricfalusi back at the helm.

Posted by godfrey (link)