Singing Potatoes
Friday, 15 March 2002
Disturbing Omens

Yesterday, there was a flood of cheese. Today, there was a blizzard of labels. Ill portents, surely.

Apparently, a truck carrying mozzarella cheese turned over yesterday in Tampa, spilling cheese onto the highway and creating a driving hazard. Cheese everywhere. Fortunately, I didn't encounter that — however, today I had to drive through a flurry of fanfold mailing labels that had blown out of a truck. A segment of fanfold got stuck onto my headlight, so I had to continue the drive into work with a 6-foot banner flapping madly on the hood. Very distracting.

Last night, Karen and I went to see Robert Schimmel at the Tampa Improv. He was hilarious, as was Jim Short, the comedian who opened for him. A good time was had by all.

Addendum: Well, Robert Schimmel's site is certainly out of date. It says we can catch him live in St. Louis on December 15, 2000. Sherman, into the Wayback Machine!

Posted by godfrey (link)