Singing Potatoes
Monday, 22 October 2001
Speling misteaks

Working as I do in a court reporting office, it's fairly common for my cow-orkers to come across terms with which they're not familiar (usually medical or scientific words). Since deposition transcripts have to be "true and accurate" accounts of everything that was said in the reporter's presence, the usual response to such a situation is to ask the proper spelling of someone who stands a good chance of knowing it.

It was with much astonishment, therefore, that I regarded a Web page that my wife was looking at. It is a page of sewing trims, upon which item 141A is described as having an "I Can't-a-Leaf" pattern.

I'd assume they meant "Acanthus leaf", but thanks to Felix Unger, I know what happens when one assumes.

Posted by godfrey (link)