Singing Potatoes
Friday, 8 November 2002

I didn't like where Chapter 3 was going; it highlighted the final protagonist's less savory qualities a bit too strongly. So I think I'll scrap everything and introduce him from another angle. It'll be jarringly out of place in comparison to the sections that precede it, but I think the readers will probably be smart enough to figure out what's going on in fairly short order.

I know that's not the way to write a popular novel (thanks, GreyDuck, for the immensely entertaining link), but it's my novel. Besides, I can get a lot of fast wordage out of the new third chapter, which is a good thing as I fall further and further behind.

Addendum: The first link in the paragraph above really is hilarious. A sample sentence: You have to remember that [Stephen R.] Donaldson's spent years learning to produce a book so flatulent you have to be careful not to squeeze it in a public place. And I might just have to try "Clench Racing".

Posted by godfrey (link)