Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 5 May 2004
"You keep using that word..."

"...I do not think it means what you think it means."

From a series of letters to the FCC complaining about Oprah: The Oprah show described with graphic detail a sexual term known as "tossing salad." It was so offensive that my child's head literally exploded.

"Literally", eh? That's pretty impressive. (Link courtesy of Fark.)

Posted by godfrey (link)
How many other words have changed in meaning to their exact opposites?

It's literally driving me crazy.
Hmmm. I think most such words exist in the sphere of politics, where up is down, black is white, and compassionate conservatives seem to be neither.

You forgot the best part of that letter: Please ban free speech so this never happens again. How about the freedom to change the channel instead of watching it with your kids present - for 20 minutes - before deciding to be offended? Morons.

Somehow, I get the idea that some of those letters are fake.

Like, for instance, the first one, where the writer claims to be a member of "Citizens against Unclean Network Trash", which appears to have a rather unfortunate acronym. Worse even than the "Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society".

Hmmm.. you may have a very valid point. Clever spammers, they are.
Judging from a couple of news articles I've found through Google, they're probably fans of Howard Stern, who was punished for broadcasting less explicit sexual content than what was discussed on Oprah's show. Yet the FCC has taken no action against Winfrey.