Singing Potatoes
Friday, 25 February 2005
All right, I give in...

The "Ten Things" meme has been floating around LiveJournal for a while, and now at least half my flist has done it. I've resisted it, in part because it feels uncomfortably like bragging, and in part because I had a hard time coming up with ten things. But what the hell, it's not like I've posted anything else recently...

Ten Things I've Done That You May Not Have
  1. Sung in Winchester Cathedral
  2. Created a Renaissance typeface that's been used in commercial books, and in props for the History Channel
  3. Sung on television
  4. Coded a blogging system from scratch
  5. Joined the SPEBSQSA
  6. Successfully passed myself off as a Scientologist... to actual Scientologists
  7. Fired a cannon from atop one of the oldest structures in America
  8. Made a mountain lion lynx purr
  9. Worked as part of a team of five CG artists who produced a seven-minute short in a single weekend
  10. Felt a live dolphin's tongue.
Posted by godfrey (link)
I've been to Omaha, NE and Idaho Falls, ID!

(I know, it's really not much - that's why I'm not doing this meme,)
I've done one of those...
Holy Cow! I think you've got the most interesting list I've seen yet!