Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 8 June 2004

After the frustrating failure to install OS/2 Warp 4 on bochs, I decided to take a chance and downloaded the current CVS snapshot instead of the most recent stable version.

To my amazement and joy, this time it actually started the install process! It finished copying the files without a hitch, then installed the installer. The installer hung up at one point, but I rebooted the virtual machine, and after it ran CHKDSK on the virtual drive, OS/2 burst forth in all its warped glory!

The emulation has some problems — most notably, bochs burns through idle cycles as fast as it can, so the clock zooms forward at a breakneck pace (making it impossible to double-click), and bochs is limited to VGA resolution. Trying to run a WinOS2 session within OS/2 unfortunately doesn't work, so I couldn't take a screenshot of Windows running inside OS/2 running inside Windows.

Still, I can now access those old documents and save them out as RTF files, which I can then load into OpenOffice. Pretty darned nifty, if you ask me.

Which you didn't.

Posted by godfrey (link)