Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 3 October 2004
The New Breed of Asshole

As if the newsgroup spammers, email spammers and blog comment spammers weren't enough, now there are referrer log spammers.

"Reffy is a Windows-based mass referrer spammer, which means that it will make a connection to a buttload of sites of your choosing with any referrer URL and User-Agent that you specify. This accomplishes several things. Firstly, it generates webmaster traffic from webmasters checking their referral statistics. Secondly, it boosts your link popularity and thereby your Google PR, because a lot of sites have public referral stats with linked entries. Reffy operates on textfiles with URL-lists, and a textfile of 3047 active blog websites which you can use to start getting free traffic and PR right away is included!"

What was it Jimmy Swaggart said? If I ever meet one of them, "I'd kill him and tell God he died."

Posted by godfrey (link)
So that's what all my recent hits are about...