Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 17 October 2001
Some people just don't get it.

I had to pick something up from FedEx. As I stood at the counter, waiting for the person helping me to return from the back room with my package, another employee came out from behind the counter, walked over to two large boxes stacked against the wall, and called out, "Whose boxes are these? Anybody see who left these? Anyone?"

When nobody responded, he shrugged, picked them up (whereupon half the people in the room flinched as though expecting them to explode), and he walked into the back room with them. Thudthud. Quite a contrast to last week, when they evacuated a whole building because a briefcase had been left unattended in the lobby.

On an unrelated note, I bought a bag of candy corn yesterday. It tasted like Play-Doh. I assumed it was just a stale batch, but I just ate a freshly baked chocolate-chocolate-chip cookie. It, too, tasted of Play-Doh. I don't even want to know why I seem to remember what Play-Doh tastes like.

Posted by godfrey (link)