Singing Potatoes
Monday, 28 April 2008
...and get off my lawn!
Grandpa Simpson

Okay, what's with this fad amongst younger people (male and female) of posing for photographs with their lips pushed so far forward that they look like they just came back from an incompetent plastic surgeon who botched their collagen injections?

Seriously... is it supposed to be attractive?

Posted by godfrey (link)
It's called every picture of every female on the horrific website called myspace.
Example, please!
Okay... I first saw it in the pictures of what have come to be known on Fark as guidos and guidettes, but then I started seeing the pose everywhere.

...jeez, normally the "recent photos" section of Photobucket's front page is littered with them, but I actually had to go back a few pages to find this, this and this.

Maybe that means the fad's dying.