Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 19 August 2003
Oh no, a lemming!

I haven't written much here lately, due to other projects, so to alleviate boredom, here's a Friday Five (only four days late).

1. How much time do you spend online each day?
Hard to quantify. Both at home and at work, my machines are always online, so in a sense I'm technically always online as long as I'm at one place or the other, and awake. In reality, though, Internet-related activities are outweighed by non-Internet-related activities. But possibly not by much.
2. What is your browser homepage set to?
A HTML page on my hard drive which contains my most frequently used links, grouped by category. Why not use bookmarks? Because I use several different browsers (to test Web page compatibility, etc.) and I don't want to have to reproduce every bookmark in every browser, or have to re-enter all of my bookmarks when a browser update wipes them out.
3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?
Trillian. It handles all of the major IM networks with a consistent interface.
4. Where was your first webpage located? (link no longer valid). My ISP at the time allocated five megabytes to each dialup user. My Web site quickly grew larger than that, so I paid for extra space. I ended up paying the same amount for twenty megabytes as I'm currently paying for four gigabytes (and a whole bunch of other bells and whistles).
5. How long have you had your current website?
It's evolved a bit over the years, content-wise as well as cosmetically, and hosted on a variety of different machines, but it's been around since late 1994 or early 1995, I can't remember which.
Posted by godfrey (link)