Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 19 February 2003
Hey, I want that gig!

Mil Millington, the author of the frighteningly funny Web page "Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About", has written a book by the same title. Talk about an Internet success story; he parlayed his Web site into a weekly column in the Guardian, and turned that into a fiction novel — for which Working Title optioned the film rights before it was even published. Maybe Karen and I need to start arguing...

And speaking of books by Englishmen, why the hell can't I get a copy of Craig Charles' autobiography? The publication date kept getting pushed back until I quit checking, and now it's out of print? Arrgh!

Posted by godfrey (link)
I loved this bit:

Margret is sitting at this computer (which is in the attic room, incidentally) typing something. I'm flopped in a chair close by with a paper and pad, scribbling away at a bit of work. I pause and say to her, 'Tortoise and turtle is the same word in German, isn't it?' She stops typing, reaches over, pulls off one of my Birkenstock shoes, throws it down through trapdoor (I hear it thud below, then flip-flop down the stairs) and returns to her typing.

Also, where he described his VCR timer as having "vague life goals."
My favorite was the line, "Margret cannot make cheese on toast without using every single saucepan, wok, tureen and colander in the house."

Errr, not that I know anyone like that, of course.

Could you please clarify that you're not talking about me? OR ARE YOU?
I said "not that I know anyone like that"! Nope. Not a soul. Certainly not you; you only use just what you need, and I've never found a lawnmower in the sink after you've been cooking.

Errr, not that I know anyone like that, of course.

'Errrs' are frequently used to denote sarcasm. At least, by me they are.
Are you guys getting started on your own book?