Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 23 April 2003
More professionalism

So I finally did hear back from Macromedia, a day earlier than I had predicted.

And get but this: the guy in charge of generating serial numbers — the only person at Macromedia from whom a new serial number may be obtained — is out on sick leave.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Hope I never have to deal with them for Dreamweaver!
Well, Dreamweaver is one of their products, not one they bought from another company six years ago and now treat as their red-headed stepchild.

That is just fascinating. How does he generate new serial numbers in a way which no one else in the ENTIRE OFFICE can? Does it involve some kind of serial number recombinant cloning?
I don't know. I just hope the guy doesn't die while he's out of the office, otherwise I might never get my serial number!