Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 15 January 2005

The one thing I've really been missing since moving to Tallahassee is a social life. In Tampa, Karen and I had a great group of friends which we saw pretty frequently. Leaving them behind was the only difficult part of the move for me; I wasn't attached to the locale, our (rented) house, my job... but to give up my friends (and getting together with the Consort) was tough.

Karen and I had started going to SCA meetings and dance practices, but once Karen's school schedule picked up, and I got my job with stupid amounts of overtime, we had to put that on hold. And once my hours settled down to a more sane schedule, I caught the Christmas Crud which left me too exhausted to go out.

Friday, though (after five months of saying "we've got to get together some time"), we finally got to have dinner with some cool people that we don't know half as well as I should like (with apologies to Mr. Baggins).

Posted by godfrey (link)
Aren't they just the nicest folks?
They are indeed. And they have such a well-behaved young child.

Just don't throw water on her. I'll bet.
Or she'll kick you in the shin. Or something like that.
Well, y'all are going to have to tell me that story...