Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 10 August 2003
Obsessive/Compulsive Serendipity

One of the Egyptian-themed papyri in our den has slipped so that it is crooked within its frame. This highly offends me. However, it's one of those special double-sided frames, and I'm not sure I could get it back together again if I took it apart.

In a fit of pique, I tilted the frame so that it hangs crooked, and the papyrus is straight. By happy fortune, the angle of the frame comes very close to matching the slope of the ceiling.

I can live with that.

...and he had a crooked house...

Posted by godfrey (link)
Memorandum: We need new furniture.

That is all. You may return to your regularly scheduled routine.
Oh man, that would drive me twenty different kinds of berserk. I remember once a definition of a perfectionist is someone who can't put a stamp on an envelope crooked. Then there are those of us who need to square it up with the corners.
Did you people notice this madman's clock?
Where'd you get that clock? I want one.
I got it a long time ago, in a novelty shop in Boston.

But you can find plenty of choices here.