Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 7 November 2006
Did It
Oceania Flag

Watching the Election Incident Reporting System is like crack, though the site is thrashing heavily and frequently does not respond. Indiana has only had seventy (reported) incidents at the moment, which is pretty good compared to Florida's 196. Both pale in comparison to Ohio, which currently shows 693. Damn. Not all the incidents seem to be in the right categories, though; some of the "Voter Intimidation/Deceptive Practices/Law Enforcement Activity" incidents don't seem to fall under any of those three descriptions.

And it was almost anticlimactic when I did go vote. Sure, the poll worker who handed me my Diebold card looked like she'd been sucking lemons for the past eighty years, but that was the only unpleasant thing about the whole experience — the machine even purported to register all the selections I'd made. Not happy about the utter lack of paper trail, but you can't have everything.

My boss said "I hope you voted [political party]" when he called later to give me an update on one of our issues. Even though, for the most part, I had (I have never voted a straight ticket in my life), it still made me uncomfortable. I don't even remember my parents discussing candidates when I was growing up. (But given that they belonged to different parties, I suspect that it was just something they agreed never to talk about.)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Ooof. I'd be uncomfortable too, and I grew up in an incredibly political household. But somehow that's just not appropriate from a boss... even if the boss agrees with you.
Man, I am so glad my company is corporate now instead of private. I remember all too well the republicans running through the office for about eight weeks before the election. I hated them all - not one of them knows how to say thank you.