Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 3 March 2005
Cup of Rum

My boss's boss resigned yesterday.

In a way, he was kind of like my boss, as my actual boss works all the way across town from me, and my boss's boss had his office in the room next to mine. He'd assign me tasks, I'd send my daily reports to him, and we had much more interaction than I have with my actual boss.

He was a no-nonsense kind of guy (ex-military), but he did have a good sense of humor, he knew what he was doing, and he constantly kept my plate full of challenging tasks. Even more shocking to me, he actually told me several times that he appreciated the good job I was doing. (Not that I'm surprised by the quality of my work, but I worked for twelve years for a boss whom I don't believe I ever heard utter a single word of praise to any of his employees — the only time he ever said anything was if he was unhappy with someone's work — so it was an experience I was unaccustomed to.)

I'm not sure what will happen now. Until a replacement is found, his duties are going to be shared by a number of upper-level managers. I've heard horror stories about management by committee; I guess I'll find out if they're true or not.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Are you accepting donations in lieu of flowers?