Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 5 May 2005

If you don't care about the new Doctor Who, stop reading. If you haven't seen it, and avoid spoilers like the plague, stop reading.

I'm overjoyed to see Doctor Who being made again. I was thrilled to see a Dalek again, and that its last remaining handicap — the lack of dexterity inherent in a toilet-plunger appendage — has been overcome. And the new Dalek weapon effects are quite nifty, too.

But for crying out loud, could the writers please spend more than thirty seconds thinking up the plot? A Dalek regenerates itself because it sampled the DNA of a time traveler? Now, if it had been The Doctor's DNA, that might be at least easier to swallow, as Time Lords possess regenerative capabilities. But the DNA of a human who just happens to accompany The Doctor through time? (And what foresight the Daleks had to build DNA samplers into the outer shell of their head casings! I guess when they want to sample a creature's DNA, they normally just pick it up and drop it on their own heads?)

Still, its updated looks were snazzy without deviating too far from the originals (it'll be fun to model in 3D!), and it was so much more crafty than previous Daleks; it played Rose like a Stradivarius.

And as big as the plot holes were, it was light years beyond the crappy 1996 pilot for the American Doctor Who. Which brings me to the thought that Christopher Eccleston shouldn't be the Ninth Doctor, but the Eighth. Not only was the American version about as bad as Highlander 2, and thus just as worthy of being ignored, but if Peter Cushing doesn't count as an official Doctor, neither should Paul McGann.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Ah, but whereas Peter Cushing was a parallel re-telling (and I think he was an Earthling, wasn't he?), Paul McGann had continuity--they did a regeneration scene with Sylvester McCoy. Therefore, he fits into the scheme of things. Besides, I liked it, and I'm the center of the universe.

Time Lords only get twelve regenerations, right? Now that Eccleston has said he'll only do one season, they better hope his successor spends a bit more time with 'em...
Ah, forget the silly DNA plot or lack there of. Why did the Dalek float up the stairs when he could have gone right up the middle? As Squelch is center of the universe and I'm too distracted by a shirtless Doctor to be bothered with plots and number of Doctors, you're on your own.

*keeping fingers crossed Adric 2.0 goes away soon*
*watches 96 movie with volume off and fast forward button*
Continuity, schmontinuity. Highlander 2 had both Sean Connery and Christopher Lambert, but was retconned out of existence in Highlander 3.

You liked it, Squelch? Really? Ew.

As to the Dalek floating up the stairs instead of up through the center, yeah, that was silly. If I'd been the Dalek, I'd have just shot them as they all stood there out in the open taunting me about the stairs, and then floated triumphantly above their lifeless corpses. But that's just me.
How can I not read a story entitled "Dr. Who to fight billionaire ginger midget over soccer team"? I'm not surprised to see semi-saucy Billie Piper pictures, but right under that shot of her in the red dress tying her shoes...oh, if only I looked that good tying my shoes, granted I'd never wear that sort of shoe... I see a name that catches my eye. It can't be? That Terminator pic is slightly disturbing.

There is only one Highlander movie, denial can be a good thing.
I'm with Elissa on Highlander. And yes, I liked the '96 movie, and I like Enterprise, too, damn it! I WILL NOT SUCCUMB TO PEER PRESSURE!

Um, where are those semi-saucy Billie Piper pictures? Not that I'd go seeking them out or anything.
Oddly enough, there is one right above our Godfrey's post on in the thread "Dr. Who to fight billionaire ginger midget over soccer team".

Enterprise's two-part evil twin universe was rather cheeky fun, more acting than I've seen in three years and sweaty naked people.

Take out Eric Roberts and the 96 movie becomes much more watchable.
Oh, OK. I just read the article and forgot about the comment thread.
You could also GIS her if you were the sort of person who went looking for that sort of thing.

You like Enterprise, too? Wow. Did the writers ever bother to differentiate the male characters' personalities? And did Jolene Blalock ever get over the "emotionless=expressionless" thing? (I quit watching after five or six episodes.)

I haven't watched Enterprise religiously, at random, missed season two and three altogether. As there are so few left, I thought why not? Personally, I'm still waiting for Same to leap. *sighing miserably*
Ha... I see from the IMDB that Dean Stockwell did a guest spot on Enterprise. That must've been a hoot.

Oh, yeah, and that was me posting after that picture which just screamed "Side rotoscope!"

As a QL fan, I saw that episode, early in season one. Like most episodes, not outstanding, but they did give Dean Stockwell a little remote thingie to hold and press buttons on. He out acted the standard cast, as most guess stars do.

The last Star Wars movie next week and Enterprise's final two episodes! Oh, the horror!
Oh, I'm sure Lucas will produce Episodes VII-IX as soon as he's run out of ways to squeeze more cash from re-releases of the originals.