Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 20 July 2002

When the surgeon told me I'd have to take a few days off from work, I thought it would be great; I'd finally have a chance to catch up on all the little things I didn't have time for, and get some good relaxation time in.

No such luck. Whether due to the Vicodin or the lack of real food, I haven't been able to concentrate at all, and I've been spending a majority of my days sleeping. The hours that haven't been spent asleep have been about as exciting as stringing network cable: half-watching some DVDs, keeping ice applied to my face, trying to force down soup and pudding.

The really big excitement happened today, when Slim decided he wanted to go outside, so he came over and started cavorting in front of me — and smacked his skull right into my swollen jaw. Fortunately, he didn't break my jaw (which he very well could have done), but I am now in even more intense pain than before. Stupid dog.

Well, it's taken about half an hour to write this, so I think it's time to try sleeping again. Wheee.

Posted by godfrey (link)