Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 29 June 2003

DVD commentaries are like a box of chocolates. Sometimes you get the writer telling you how much he loves this scene (that he wrote); sometimes you get people describing what you can see happening on the screen; but sometimes you get real gems like "I tried to make it something that everybody was frightened of when they were kids. What are all kids scared of? Old people."

Posted by godfrey (link)
Oh dude. Have you seen the....damn, what the hell is it called, one of the horror movies -- the one they go to see in Donnie Darko I think -- the DVD commentary on that? 'cause it's just brilliant.
The Evil Dead? No, I haven't — I've seen some of the special features when I watched it at a friend's house, but we didn't listen to the commentary track.

It's brilliant, I must agree. Mostly it's about how Sam Raimy beats on Bruce Campbell whenever he gets the chance. i loved it more than "Cats".
Weird Al did a surprisingly good commentary track on UHF. Either he's got a phenomenal memory for names and locations, or he actually prepared for the commentary instead of just sitting down without having seen it in years (as I've heard a lot of commenters say they've done).

*sigh* Bruce Campbell....Weird AL... the two objects of my teenage crushes. I had such good taste. I neeed to get the UHF DVD and the Evil Dead DVD, our archaic butts just got a DVD player this Xmas.
Oh, Bruce Campbell, yes. ghod he was funny.