Singing Potatoes
Friday, 18 July 2003
Democracy at Work

Mark Stephens writes, in this week's "I, Cringely" column, that Diebold Election Systems, largest manufacturer of electronic voting machines, deliberately designed its products so that the results could be manipulated by a third party. He cites as his source an article on a New Zealand Internet news site, and wonders why it hasn't been covered by the mainstream American media.

The allegation is scary (not to mention reprehensible), if true. But there are a number of phrases and other clues which raise suspicions in my mind as to the veracity of the article. Is it possible? Certainly. I wouldn't put it out of the realm of plausibility for ambitious men to design voting machines which could be directed to produce a desired result. Has it been done? I don't know.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I'm so not-surprised.