Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 24 August 2003
Holy cow

When taking a break from calligraphy to rest my hand, I tried out the new microphone. It's absolutely beautiful. It's far more sensitive than my dynamic mics (even with the -10дБ switch on), and ye gods and little fishes, it makes everything sound so much more full and rich. And although the salesman said it's primarily for instruments like acoustic guitars and pianos, it sounded so good as a vocal mic that I got goosebumps.

Just to make sure it wasn't the tube preamp making it sound so sweet, I tried a dynamic mic hooked up to the preamp. It did sound a little better than without the preamp, but the Oktava was still several orders of magnitude ahead. No wonder it used to sell for $600.

(But now I'm even more curious than ever to know what a $3300 microphone sounds like.)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Oh, well everything sounds better with the 10дБ switch on. Did I just curse someone in Albanian?
It's a Russian microphone, so the switch is labeled with Cyrillic letters. I presume "дБ" is Russkiy for what we Americans call "dB".