Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 21 March 2004
"And this is Mister Prostitute, in charge of..."

You know, it's funny: I was raised a Methodist, and spent nearly two decades as one, but I never knew they had a "Book of Discipline". It sounds kind of... naughty.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Hey, I was raised a Methodist, too! And I've never heard of a "Book of Discipline" either! W00t!

Even though I'm far from a practicing Christian, I still have to say that on the whole, Methodists are just the sort of bunch to have a slightly naughty bent on the whole religion thing. And I think that's pretty rad.

I also think that I took one too many excederins this morning...
The first I heard of it was in articles pertaining to the lesbian minister they recently put through a church trial.

I didn't know Methodists held church trials, either.