Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Computer Room

I love computer rooms. Real ones, that is — suspended floors, huge air conditioners, racks upon racks of servers and tape drives... modern flat-panel LCD monitors coëxisting with ancient green-screen monitors and the inevitable enormous IBM 3290 plasma display with four terminal sessions blazing forth in orange glory. In every one I've been in, there's been a forlorn OS/2 box hidden in a corner, shoved aside by the Windows and *nix boxen.

I love the smell. The crisp, cold air smelling faintly of ozone and magtape never fails to take me right back to one of my first jobs, working as a third-shift security guard at the data center for one of the big insurance companies. (Total hell for a computer geek: a building full of computers — VAXen, even — except for the security room; look but most definitely do not play!)

For some reason, just being in such a computer room leaves me feeling happy for a while. I've no idea why.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Maybe it's the stuff they use to cool the floors?
I guess it's like a nerd's mens club.
i know that feeling i used to work at so yeh