Singing Potatoes
Friday, 5 April 2002
Hockey Night in Florida

Last night, I went to the Lightning game with some friends. To my surprise, the Lightning actually won, despite their lack of passing and blocking skills. I've never seen them win before, at least live, so that was a nice surprise.

I'm not a good hockey fan, that's for certain. I don't shout helpful advice to the players ("Stay with the puck!" "Shoot it!" "Hit him with your stick!" "You suck!"). I don't show up already smelling of beer. I don't repeatedly throw my arm over the seat back next to me, thus constantly whacking the knee of the person who sits behind that chair. I don't discuss my high school days at the top of my lungs with the person next to me. I don't get up every five minutes for beer or bathroom break (or both), thus making everyone in the row have to stand up as I make my way to the aisle, and again when I return. I don't start hooting and hollering over the last line of the National Anthem. Oh, and I don't twirl a washcloth (printed with my team's logo) over my head, obstructing the view of the person behind me.

But as bad as American hockey fans are, at least they're better than English football hooligans.

Posted by godfrey (link)