Singing Potatoes
Friday, 5 October 2001
Acts of Gord

Well, now I know what it's like to be a video-game store owner and deal with the sort of people who rent videogames, thanks to Acts of Gord. But he really needs to add a sound clip of himself speaking, because when I read his transcripts of conversations with customers, the voice my head assigns to his lines sounds suspiciously like the Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.

And speaking of clueless people, I generally don't have to deal with them at work, unless I'm answering the phone. I took this call today:

Me: <Business Name>.

Caller: Hello, may I speak to Janice, please?

Me: I'm sorry, there's nobody by that name employed here.

Caller: Is this Thompson Insurance?

Me: No, Ma'am, this is <Business Name>.

Caller: You're not an insurance company?

Me: No, Ma'am, we're a court reporting agency. [Now, having just read a number of pages on Acts of Gord, what I wanted to add was "That's why we have 'Reporting' in our name and not 'Insurance'." But since I'm not the owner of the business, I opted to be businesslike.]

Caller: Oh, I must have dialed the wrong number.

Me: That's quite all right, Ma'am.

That wouldn't have been so bad. But less than five seconds after I'd hung up the phone, it rang again.

Me: <Business Name>.

Caller: Is Janice there?

Me: No, Ma'am, this is <Business Name>.

Caller: Oh, I'm sorry, I must have hit "redial" by mistake.

Me: That's quite all right, Ma'am.

Sometimes I hate the fact that I was raised to be polite. Otherwise I would have inquired about how one could mistake pressing a single button for pressing seven. Ah, well. At least Gord puts stupid people in their places.

Posted by godfrey (link)