Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 29 October 2002
Lowering the Bar
Things happen so fast it's best just to sit back and enjoy the stylishly done action and not think about some of the holes in the plot this time around.
Walt Belcher,
Tampa Tribune TV Critic
(Reviewing 24's Season 2 opener)

Once upon a time, TV critics would tell us what was worth watching and what was worth avoiding. They made much out of little details like writing, plot and acting.

Now, however, it seems they just hype the new shows for the studios, ignoring the flaws (or even, as in the above example, telling us to ignore them). Just shut off your brains and look at the pretty pictures. Who cares about the writing? It's action-packed!

In 1961, Newt Minnow, the head of the FCC, derided television as a "vast wasteland". That little soundbyte is frequently quoted, but the rest of his speech is frequently ignored. It's a pity, for it contains a great deal that is still as applicable to present-day television as the oft-quoted excerpt. We still need, as Minnow said, "imagination in programming, not sterility; creativity, not imitation; experimentation, not conformity; excellence, not mediocrity."

And when the networks persist in their "relentless search for the highest rating and the lowest common denominator", they do lose at least this member of the audience, as Minnow warned the National Association of Broadcasters over forty years ago. I've been a hardcore Trekkie literally for as long as I can remember — but I don't watch Enterprise because it's so pathetically awful.

Broadcasters — like most corporations these days — care more about their profits than about the quality of their products, as the Farscape debacle shows. Until that changes, the stream of crap coming out of Hollywood will continue unabated — but as long as people are encouraged to just shut off their brains and look at the pretty pictures, it's not going to change.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Who would name somebody Newt Minnow?
(I agree with you, BTW...I just had to comment on that name.)
His parents, Chameleon Minnow and Gecko Minnow (née Tadpole).

"24" is just like "John Doe", at least for me; two shows that I absolutely cannot watch. I can't watch them because all I see is the "pitch session" that must've taken place to make these shows happen.

Two weasely little used-car salesman-like 20-something Hollywood types gesticulating madly in front of a guy in a suit who only goes by a pair of initials.

Sycophant 1: "Check this out, a TV series told in real time."
Executive: "Real time?"
Sycophant 2: "The story enfolds over the course of a day, so everything that happens in the course of an hour is happening in the story in the course of an hour."
Executive: "You've lost me. What else ya got?"
Sycophant 1: "Keifer Sutherland. And guns, racism, politics, car chases, evil government guys, and some explosions."

and as for John Doe

Sycophant 1: "Ok, we've got a guy who knows everything except who he is."
Sycophant 2: "And he only sees in black and white, except stuff that's important to getting his memory back. He sees that stuff in color."
Executive: "Why?"
Sycophant 2: "Because he....goes people. Yeah, he helps people."
Sycophant 1: "It should pull in a big X-Files demographic, and we'll get some hunky leading man type."
Executive: "Alright, but make sure to put in some car chases and some honies."
I always wondered why they never showed Kiefer excusing himself to go to the little FBI agents' room. I mean, over the course of a day, everyone has to go, right? Maybe he pees during the commercials, just like the viewers do!
I think 24 had an interesting concept, and it had a lot of potential, but it devolved too quickly into coincidences, formulaic plot "twists" and deus ex machina solutions to their problems (like "Gee, this corpse we found had his fingerprints, teeth and face removed to prevent us from identifying him, but fortunately he's got a steel pin in his hip with a unique serial number engraved on it!").

And apparently Special Agent Jack Bauer had the amazing ability to run at a frenetic pace for 24 hours straight, without eating or using the bathroom.
D'oh, beat me to it.