Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 15 October 2003
Bored now...

While waiting for the cops to arrive, I played around with Karen's new digital camera. This one is for Moira and Lory: The Leather Trenchcoat of Doom. With built-in leather turtleneck to keep out the chill Florida winters. Ha.

This one is to allay any suspicions that I've become any less of a geek: but you're a little geeky yourself if you recognize it.

I know a number of guys who own firearms. I guess, technically, I do too.

And here's a frog, which at first I thought was albino. I discovered it sitting on top of our garbage can; when I moved the can, it jumped onto the door.

Posted by godfrey (link)
It thought I was coming over for angel. Your plan has been foiled evil amphibian!

Love the trench coat... It makes you look like some neo-modern post-apocolyptic priest-o-doom. Hee!
The trenchcoat's AWESOME! And is that a wedding pic behind you on the wall?
I don't know how I missed this post! Yes, the trenchcoat is absolutely delish. I would get a certain someone one to wear with his black outfit for Guavaween, but he wouldn't wear it. Of course, he probably wouldn't have had it on for long anyway!