Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 11 October 2005
Okay, so what else have I missed?
Jet Engine

I've already mentioned that I didn't watch Firefly when it was on, and then discovered, to my chagrin, how good it actually was.

Now, with all the shows we watch on hiatus or in repeats (didn't the TV season used to start in the fall, and run until spring?), Karen suggested we rent Lost from Netflix, as we'd never watched it.

After watching the first disc in the series, I canceled the rest of them.

I'd been expecting something like Survivor, only drama instead of "reality". What it turned out to be was more like Survivor crossed with The Twilight Zone, The X-Files and perhaps a bit of Twin Peaks (without the cherry pie and backwards-talking midgets). We sat down Friday night to watch only the first half of the pilot, and ended up watching the whole disc because we got sucked in like the guy standing in front of the turbine. So when I saw the whole first season for $30 at CD Warehouse the next day, I snapped it up (hence my cancellation of the other discs on Netflix). By Sunday we'd made it through the next two discs (and I suspect we only managed to stop there because the last episode on the disc didn't end in a cliffhanger).

I also set up my PVR to record Season Two, but the first two episodes of the season had already aired. This brought me a small measure of distress until Karen reminded me that there was more than one way to watch television. After having watched the entire run of Christopher Eccleston's Doctor Who incarnation, I'm embarrassed to have forgotten that.

And speaking of whom, we also watched Eccleston in the Revengers Tragedy. Jacobean drama with its Early Modern English intact, delivered in Scouse accents, in a semi-post-Apocalyptic setting... interesting, to say the least. And every once in a while, they'd throw in a bit of modern dialogue just to keep things amusing:

Ambitioso: Slave, cam'st thou to delude us?
Officer: Delude you, my Lords?
Supervacuo: Villain, whose is this corse now?
Officer: Why your brother and the Duke's son.
Supervacuo: Plagues!
Ambitioso: Confusions!
Supervacuo: Darkness!
Ambitioso: Devils!
Supervacuo: Our younger brother.
Ambitioso: There's no advantage in the killing of a younger brother!
Supervacuo: (to Officer) Villain, I'll kill thee!
Officer: Fuck off, you cheap pair of bastards.

Okay, not entirely faithful to the original, but still pretty enjoyable.

Posted by godfrey (link)