Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Left or Right?
Ha! Ha!

Here's an interesting twist on the left-brain/right-brain perception test. Depending on which way you see the dancer turning purportedly indicates whether your left brain or right brain is dominant.

I started out seeing her turning clockwise, but when I looked away to read the text and then looked back, she was turning counterclockwise. I can't make her change direction when I'm looking at her, but if I look away and then look back, she changes.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Got it! Look at the shadow at the bottom of the pic for about 20 seconds then look back up at her. I was able to make her change direction that way.

Very cool find bro. :o)
An outrage. Obviously there is some mistake. She's going counterclockwise to me, but I am so not left brain dominant. "uses logic - detail oriented-facts rule- math and science- reality based-forms strategies - practical - safe"? Everyone who knows me knows that I am none of these things.

Most interesting. She started out counter-clockwise, and then changed direction. Eventually, when I concentrated on the shadow, I was able to change the direction almost at will.