Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 20 August 2003
Back to the status quo

I was really hopeful about the apparent improvement in technical support at the company which makes some of the 3D software that I use. Indeed, their homepage boasts of "unparalleled [technical] support".

When I discovered that specular and bump maps were interpreted differently between version 8.5 and version 10.5, I sent in a support request asking if they could tell me what the difference in formulas was, so I could get things back looking the way I wanted them to without having to do a lot of trial and error re-rendering.

Their entire response: there is not a set formula- experimentation would be your best avenue for better understanding-

So I guess the program doesn't use mathematical algorithms like every other 3D renderer, but just pulls values out of its electronic ass. "Unparalleled support" indeed.

Posted by godfrey (link)
"Hey Stwongbad, I bwought back youwe fondue pot."