Singing Potatoes
Friday, 30 August 2002

I decided to try and visually document the recording sessions for posterity. Unfortunately, my videocamera is designed for bright lighting conditions, and I didn't feel like borrowing some Klieg lights from my friend Carl, so these images came out a little grainy. Okay, a lot grainy, but at least they're better than nothing. Click on the thumbnails for the full-sized images.

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From left to right:

  1. Karen at the desk, pretending that it's far more fun and interesting than it actually is.
  2. Looking out into the "studio", as Sev and Brian listen to the playback of the track we just recorded.
  3. Sev, Brian and Sid still listening to the playback. Fortunately, everyone listens with their eyes closed, so I could take pictures without them noticing.
Posted by godfrey (link)