Singing Potatoes
Monday, 3 May 2004

"You ought to do something nice for your wife on Mothers' Day... give her a gift certificate for a pedicure or something."

"No, then she'd expect that sort of thing all the time. It would set a bad precedent. I'll just get her a card."

He wasn't joking, either. This is the guy who, when his wife comes to visit him for lunch at work, makes her eat leftovers with him at the break room table rather than taking her to a restaurant.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I'm glad that sort of attitude isn't contagious!
It's sad for wives out there that all men aren't us, n'est-ce pas?
Oui, c'est vrai. Nous sommes impressionnants!

(Hmmm, Babelfish doesn't seem to know the word for "awesome".)

It would be terrible to expect even a date to McDonald's?
Well, at least he can't be blamed for not taking her to McDonald's. Only one of the big fast-food chains (Burger King) even has a presence downtown, and that isn't even in the main downtown strip — it's a few blocks away, inside a seedy bus terminal.

No McDonald's, no Wendy's, no Checkers, no Burger King in a place where any businessperson wants to go...

There is a Subway, and a Blimpies, but if you want greasy fast food, you're out of luck.

I must correct myself — I drove past the bus station this evening, and the Burger King had been replaced by a cafe.

So there are no fast-food restaurants in downtown Tampa. How lame is that?

How lame that he doesn't even treat his wife - his supposed life partner, soul mate, companion for better or worse - to a damn lunch date! What a maroon...
Hell, he's proud of the fact that he won't even buy her a card for Valentine's Day, let alone candy or flowers...


Actually, I was married to a man just like this. In the 12 years we were married, he bought me 1 birthday present and 1 christmas present (our first year). He also was very proud of the fact that he never bought me anything. I divorced him when he bought a $30, 000 car without telling me while we were basically living with his parents because we didn't have a home of our own.
Lucky for me, Fate stepped in and I found someone who treats me like a Goddess!!!

Shawna Kiane (kiane36)